Part 151: 11/13: Hamills Nine
Part 142: 11/13: Hamills Nine

Music: Tokyo Emergency

Were doing it right now, idiot!

Music: The Whims of Fate
Someone requested the lyrics so heres a video with them. They get stuck in my head a lot, its great.

Music: Aria of the Soul

Were just here to free up a slot, so we fuse Queen Mab from Kikuri-Hime and Lachesis.

Queen Mab, also known as Medb or Meive, is the fairy queen in Celtic myth. She was immortalized in Mercutios monologue in Romeo and Juliet.
Music: The Whims of Fate

Now, time to enter the Palace.

These Unicorns use Physical Strikes and are weak to Curse.

Oses also use Physical along with charging up and inflicting Rage. Theyre weak to Bless.

Yusuke learns Deadly Fury, an upgrade to Rising Slash that keeps the Baton Pass strength boost and ups its attack power from Heavy to Severe. I apologize for saying Ryuji is straight-up better than Yusuke, which isnt exactly true even yet; Yusuke does have higher base Strength, and learns his Physical skills a bit sooner. His support skills are just marginally less useful.

These are Powers. Theyre weak to Curse and use Physical and Bless skills.

Makoto learns Marakukaja to replace Rakukaja.

These Kikuri-Himes have no attack skills whatsoever, preferring to use Makarakarn to repel our magic at us, as well as heal themselves. Theyre weak to Fire.

This is a Valkyrie. Its not weak to anything. It has Physical attacks and Dodge Phys as well as Counterstrike, so Physical attacks arent recommended.

We eventually come to a safe room.

That you suggest theres an alternate path means there absolutely is one, so Ill go with that.

Back near the safe room, we can climb up some boxes to find an alternate route throughwhat else?a vent.

Now, were on the other side of the door the Shadow was standing in front of, and we could just leave but nah. Lets fight it anyway.

And we get a free ambush out of it.

These girls are weak to Wind and can use strong Electricity and Fire spells, along with Concentrate to up their power. Not that they get a chance to do much of that.

A bit further in, we come across more guards in front of a different room.

Right next to that corner is a barred door.

The room contains nothing but another vent.

But the vent leads into the guarded room, meaning we intentionally went back and did a skippable fight in order to skip a different, harder fight. Though it turns out that if we decided to just do this fight anyway, the door was locked, so we couldn't do that either.

And we score another ambush.

And the great thing about getting an ambush is...

Motherfucking BULLET HAIL can trigger! The rest of this fight is pretty simple, though he resists Physical and Dodges Electric attacks so Ryujis not that useful. He mainly just tries to crit us with Miracle Punch.

Taro Tanaka, for the most of you who arent going to get that, is the Japanese equivalent of John Doe. I only understood it because I vaguely remember the name used as an alias from Durarara!.

Everyone nods.

Stop fooling around and throw out the damn card, Akechi!

Valkyrie is strong against Gun, so firing at her gives us a chance to see Oda Special in action. Yep, that sure is 8 damage.
Anyway, we eventually wrap around to the earlier area with the chandeliers we hop across, but before we go to the elevator, were going to go back to the Velvet Room.
Music: Aria of the Soul

Power and Legion make Ananta.

Ananta, or Shesha, is the king of all nagas in Hindu mythology and one of the primal beings of creation, depicted with as many as one thousand heads. Vishnu rested upon Shesha, and upon waking up created the universe. At the end of each Kalpa (time period allotted to the earth) the serpent destroys all of creation.

Next up, Daisoujou from Mithras and Queen Mab.

Daisoujou is fuckin weird and creepy, and Im just going to post the wikis description along with the games here, holy shit:
P5s description:
A monk who died while fasting, his spiritual power allows his body to continue to exist without rotting. It is said that he will appear before people on the day of salvation.
Thats not so bad, right? I mean, except for being wrong, because thats clearly not a preserved corpse but a fucking skullman, but whatever. Well
The wikis description:
Based on the Buddhist mummies, Sokushinbutsu. These monks performed self-mummification by starving themselves for about three years. At the end of these three years, they were entombed alive with just enough room to sit cross-legged. A tube was placed in the ground, leading to the tomb for air. The monk had a bell with him and every day, someone would listen for the bell to make sure the monk was still alive. When the bell no longer rang, the air tube was removed and the tomb was completely sealed. A thousand days later, the body would be exhumed. If it was preserved, it was revered as a god.
Fucking hell!
You may also have noticed the skill Samsara. Thats a unique skill to Daisoujou that cannot be passed on from fusion. It has a high chance to instant-kill every enemy on the field. Its pretty great.

Finally, were going to fulfill the request for a Bugs with Samarecarm. Bugs is an Advanced Fusion from Pixie, Pisaca, and Hariti. Hariti naturally learns Samarecarm, so we just need to make sure Bugs gets it.

Bugs, or the Bugbear, is the literal Boogeyman. Its used by mothers to frighten their children into behaving.

Music: The Whims of Fate

Joker scans the card.

Music: Desire

Got any more stunning insight to share with us, Councilor Troi?

Uh, were not actually here to fight her, guys. Were supposed to at least pretend the boss fight isnt mandatory.

Shadow Sae snaps her fingers.

Music: Suspicion

The group looks around at each other.

Sorry, my bad.

Everyone nods.
Well, well see what else this Palace has in store next time. But that doesnt mean were done here for today! Now that Akechis joined our party, we can do something Ive been anticipating for a while!
See, for 60 real US dollars, you can buy a pack of all the DLC costumes off the PlayStation Network! And Im an idiot, so of course I decided to buy it for the sake of showing it off in this LP!

Theres another 12 of these popups.

By going to the Outfits section of the Equipment menu, we can put on outfits that change our appearance. This does nothing to affect our stats, but that doesnt mean nothing changes. Well go into what that means in a later episode!
Now, without further ado, its time for the

Yes, Im putting on something of a fashion show here! Well be covering the basic set of costumes in todays appearance. Hope you like awkward camera angles and shit-ass JPG compression, because those are the real stars tonight!

Why, its the incredibly stylish Phantom Thieves! Well mostly stylish. Poor Akechi here probably thinks he looks cool as hell, while Im just thinking I hope he doesnt rip his band uniform. He also breaks the male trend of cool, impractically large collars. Gotta say I dont understand Makotos antipathy for her outfit, its dope and the cape (not visible here, sadly) rules. Harus might be my favorite, though, especially with the ammo belt. Why does Anns costume have a boob window? Yusukes weird tail always makes me laugh, by the way. Im also less sure how much I like the pirate look for Ryuji the more I see it.
This is also Morganas only costume for todays show, but look forward to his appearance changing in future installments.

Maaku goes for the standard look, but pulls it off. There have been many jokes made in the past about how Ryujis shirt here says HOMO RULES instead of NO MO, and I can only say I approve. Gotta wonder how Haru manages to have a totally unique uniform for both seasons without the faculty complaining, but she pulls it off. Makoto also manages to make a fairly standard uniform her own. Akechi loses points for his tie clipping into his shirt, sadly. All I can say about Yusuke is that Koseis purple shirt for the summer uniform is cool as hell.

Maaku is the only person in the game who looks good in the Shujin turtleneck, which unfortunately kind of includes Makoto. She makes up for it though with her vest? Whatever the hell that is, its nice. I like how Ryuji just lets the suspenders hang out of his pants. Anns hoodie is dope and if I was a girl I would buy one. Maybe I will anyway. Harus sweater is goddamn adorable and I will not hear otherwise. Are the gloves a standard part of the uniform of whatever school Akechi goes to? The fleur-de-lis on Yusukes shirt is pretty cool I guess.

Maaku, rocking that watch, nice. Ryujis shirt seems to say ON U R MARK instead of UR, but okay. I like the sunglasses clipped onto Anns shirt there, and the shirt wrapped around her shorts. Harus unfortunately looking rather plain. Futabas got a cool shirt, but the person playing Tetris on it really needs to step up their game. Really like Makotos blouse here. That shirt is not doing you any favors, Yusuke buddy.

Like the v-neck, Maaku. Not liking Ryujis hoodie so much, its a little gaudy, though thats just him I guess. Anns wearing like a letterman jacket or something, which is an odd fit for her. Please cover up, Futaba, and I dont just mean that because youre probably really cold not wearing your jacket on your actual shoulders. Haru and Makoto both look nice in their coats. Akechis sweater-vest just cements his dork status, though. Nice jacket, Yusuke.

Now we get to the awkward part of this where I review a bunch of teenagers swimsuits yeah, pass. I only included this in the first place because we havent seen Harus yet. Though Yusukes hoodie is real silly and I appreciate it.

Really like both of these outfits, but what in the goddamn hell is JL MK !?
That's all for todays installment of The Phantastic Phantom Phashion Phrenzy, please join us again next time, where this is going to get a little weirder!